Sunday 22 September 2013

Finding hope where life hurts the most

By Vicki Maher

After an extremely hard year, three months ago, my dad lost his long battle with cancer. We spent his 61st birthday in casualty at the Ulster Hospital in Dundonald. He passed away the next morning. Although he had been sick for a while, it still didn’t make the end any easier. Over the past few years, I realised not only did I have the same ridiculously good looks as my dad, but we also had the same personality and sense of humour. I guess it makes sense that my coping mechanism in any situation, like my dad, is humour.

When I was at his bedside I felt as if God was telling me that I had to pray for someone else in casualty. So in my way, I very clearly told God, "No." How wrong was I? Then in my way again, I had a tiring "argument" with God that I was destined to lose. 

Just then a mobile x-ray machine came to take an image of my dad, so I had to leave. As I was going to the waiting room, a lady grabbed me, saying that she knew me from my previous church. (What an amazing kop out card for how could I argue that I should pray for her?!) Her husband had been in a horrific motorbike accident and was in waiting to be taken to another hospital for surgery. Being told he may have severed nerves in his spine and unable to walk, no focus in his eyes, broken ribs, brain damage- the list was endless. Before I knew it I had asked if I could pray for her husband.

The second I lay my hand on his shoulder he looked directly at me, I prayed a short prayer taking authority over his injuries, declaring that when he was taken to surgery the things that they thought were wrong, would not be. He left to go to surgery. 

Later that night I spoke to my friend, who knew his daughter. I was told that when he had arrived at surgery the things that they thought were wrong, were not. And the things that were wrong would heal in their own time. The day after my dad’s funeral the man was released from hospital, walking. Two months on he and his wife have been doing mountain walks! 

Even though I was going through one of the most horrendous moments of my life, I realise now that I decided to choose well in that moment. God provided that opportunity and I took it.....eventually.

I have realised that through the pain and the hurt, I am put on a pedestal to those around me that don’t know Jesus. My actions and how I react in these seasons will show what my foundation is truly built on. Will they see me in my darkest hour crying out to God and still surrendering my all to Him? Standing firm and declaring that God is good in every season, the bad and the good? Or will I run away to find comfort in something worthless. I have been there; I have tried to find comfort in the bad choices. I’ve even tried to find comfort in what seemed to be good things, but they still weren’t God's best for me.

Even when our circumstances seem unbearable, God's response to our obedience will always release the nature of heaven into our situation. Trust me, you don’t need to have it all together; you don’t even need to pretend to have it all together for God to use you. It’s about standing up and stepping out in the storm. When I prayed in the hospital I hadn’t slept, eaten or showered in 2 days, I was a delight... I’m sure that is exactly how some of the Bible characters smelt when God called them.

The life giving ability that God brings can only be embraced totally when we have nothing left to give Him except ourselves, whole heartedly. When you turn to that place of vulnerability with God, He will take you to a whole new level of intimacy with Him.

Please know as I am typing this that my heart is completely broken.  I miss my dad more every day. I am a mess and I definitely don’t have it all together, I know I have a long journey ahead of me. However, I am thankful to have an incredible community of huggers around me. They ensure that my love of laughing and joking continues.

I don’t know what battle you are facing, but never give up. I’m definitely not saying that it will be easy, but find the joy when life hurts the most. It may be tiny and hard to find, but it is there, just keep looking.

“This is what it is to be loved and to know, that the promise was when everything fell, we'd be held.” – Natalie Grant. 

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