Sunday 4 August 2013

What's The Plan?

By Hayley Blues-Drummond

I am a planner. I love a good list. I write meal plans, schedules, to-do lists and itineraries. It’s not necessarily that I follow each exactly, and I have no real problem if they never quite make it to completion. I will often find a beautifully comprehensive to-do list flaking from the pocket of a recently washed pair of jeans, with, at best one or two items faithfully checked off. It’s just that I like to know it’s there; at one point, there was a good plan. There is something secure in a plan. You know what to expect. You can prepare yourself when you know the plan. Clear your schedule, line up your tools, gather the resources and you’re set.

If however, you’re anything like me, you may have found by now that God just isn’t bound to our plans. Whether it’s a tasklist for a simple errand, or a much pondered two-year plan, He is always thinking bigger. I am so thankful this is the case. For each plan of mine, He always has something bigger, better, brighter and more beautiful than anything I could ever have come up with on my own. 

I am by training a scientist, by trade an administrator and by heart a worshipper, dreamer and lover of all things creative and unusual. I personally encountered God a few years ago in our old, dark and slightly musty Dunnes building – for which I have huge affection. This was the place I began an adventure of faith, love, hope, generosity and risk. It did take me quite some time however, before I realised that I was working a little bit on my terms. I trusted God with my relationships, but not with my finances. With my family, but not my career. Essentially, I liked my plans too much to hand these to God, and risk the unknown.

This was not going to work. If I wanted to continue to develop my relationship with my heavenly father I needed to trust Him more, with all things. I needed to trust that His plans would be far greater than my own, after all, Jeremiah 29:11 says “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

So I did. I gave Him everything I had and He was faithful. I began to journey a relationship with Him and enjoyed a level of intimacy I had never experienced before. He had so blessed me with a job I loved, wonderful family, incredible friends and most of all, I enjoyed being alone with Him. Despite the fact that, like many girls, I at some point hoped to be swept off my feet by a handsome man, so content was I that one day I uttered a bold claim; “Father, if it is just you and I from now until forever, I am so content with that. I will go wherever you tell me to go and do whatever you tell me to do.” I could barely believe it had escaped my lips, worse than that, I meant it. I felt so free.

For those of you who know me, you may be wondering where I am going with this. Fear not, I’m getting there. The point is, having never completely shaken my penchant for planning, I planned on being single, and I was happy with that. Naturally, this being the case, just a few weeks later, I began to date my wonderful, handsome, generous, now-husband. Once again, God’s plan for me was infinitely more exciting and beautiful than my own. Now, just over a year later, I am married to my best friend. God has been exceptionally good to us, unfailingly generous. My plans would never have allowed for me to meet my husband, become engaged and plan a wedding all within just about a year (and on no real finance) – they had been constrained by an earthly reality. When we surrender ourselves to God’s plans however, we allow for heavenly realities to invade each of our lives.

This doesn’t mean it’s easy. Like the most rewarding risks it requires faith, patience and courage. At times it can feel uncomfortable. This week I was reminded of just this fact. I had a routine check-up at the dentist. I had a plan, of course. In – check – out, minimal fuss. I sat in the waiting room and noted how awkward it felt, sitting in silence with three others, probably thinking the same thing. As one and then another left, I tried to hide from the remaining company in my phone. I couldn’t shake the sense of her anxiety though, and eventually I succumbed to the prompting. “Hmm…I so dislike waiting rooms. This one is lovely, but it still makes you feel nervous, don’t you think?” Typically eloquent. Despite the clumsy icebreaker, we soon lapsed into conversation. She was indeed nervous, understandably so as she was likely about to face another wisdom tooth removal. I asked her if she was currently in pain - I could see where this was going, and I was nervous. If it was awkward before, it had a whole lot more potential for awkward now. To my relief, she allowed me to pray, and by the end of our conversation, she said she felt peaceful, and her tooth pain decrease by more than half. She had a real encounter with the love of a very real God, and I had been shown once again, that His plan for a routine errand was so much bigger than mine could ever be.

To conclude, I will probably keep planning. It’s what I do. I will also be open to having my plans upgraded, changed and sometimes completely overturned by God who loves me, knows me better than I know myself and has a purpose for my life bigger than I could ever dream. I trust Him, I trust his plans. Whether it’s a plan for your day, or a plan for your life, allow Him to guide you – He will never steer you wrong.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 NIV
He always honours His promises, is abundantly generous, unfailingly good. The results will be breathtaking.

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