Sunday 14 July 2013


By Donna Dickson

John 16:33 NIV
'I have told you these things, so that in me you have PEACE. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have OVERCOME the world!'

When I was first asked to write a blog, besides wanting to scream "NO!," I felt as if God put the word "OVERCOME" foremost in my thoughts. So even with immediate thoughts of the usual self doubt, not being good enough, "Who would want to read what you write?," "You'll make a fool of yourself," (the enemy again!) I knew God (and Tori) had given me a challenge that I had to face up to and a chance to Overcome another hurdle (a metaphorical one of course lol!).

I have suffered from various forms of depression most of my adult life and during this time I flatlined, feeling nothing, neither intense joy or immense sorrow. It is like being the waking dead doing all that is required to survive with life passing me by on a daily basis. 

Now don't feel sorry for me, I did try to live overindulging in food, shopping, partying, etc... all hollow, unrewarding pastimes giving no emotional value or help. These activities did not fill the gaping void in my life, nor did they elevate the emptiness.

During this time I was overcome with fear of failure, "I'm not good enough or worthy", self loathing, and condemnation. There really was no light at the end of my tunnel. 

I'm not trying to gain sympathy nor am I complaining about my lot. I did know there was another way of life. I had followed that path briefly as a teenager, but had roamed thinking I would find more on the other side of the road.

This is where I want you to understand the real meaning of OVERCOME: to gain victory; to conquer/defeat the enemy; to get the better of in a struggle; to prevail over.

As Jesus told us in John 1:5 (NIV) 
'The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.'

God gradually drew me back to Him, and last year I gave my life to Him completely, utterly and forever! He has helped me and is helpng me OVERCOME the enemy on a daily basis. He has poured so much light into my dark life.  I only want to shine for Him, shout His name from the rooftops!

I am now OVERCOME on a daily basis with thankfulness, happiness and most importantly why He sent His Only Son for us,  LIFE and life to the full! The strangest sensation is feeling emotion: I cry at everything; I smile; I can stand up for myself; I want to live, but most of all I live to do His will. 

Accepting Jesus as My Saviour has transformed my life and if He can heal me and create such a transformation in me, an "insignificant, wee, middle-aged, overweight Northern Ireland woman," He can do it for everyone.

He can OVERCOME your problems, illnesses and create new lives. This is not what I ever imagined I'd be doing, but with Him I have OVERCOME and I will continue to do so for as long as He wants me to.

So to all you beautiful daughters of the King reading this may you all strive to OVERCOME your hurdles in life with Christ at your side.

If I can do it anyone can! 

Donna xx

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