Sunday 22 December 2013

True Beauty

 By Sonya Finlay

“I am a princess. All girls are. Even if they live in tiny old attics. Even if they dress in rags, even if they aren’t pretty, or smart, or young. They’re still princesses.”
Frances Hodgson Burnett, A Little Princess

I have always struggled a little with “feeling beautiful” but I have learned that true beauty is not about looks and so much more about the heart.  I had a very serious accident when I was three (of which I remember nothing) but it resulted in severe scarring on my face.  As I grew up, I struggled with my image and feeling I didn’t measure up.  I suppose this made me feel self-conscious and shy and I found it difficult walking into a room of people.

As I reflect, I know that I probably focused too much on my image and not enough on my identity.  Of course, as women and girls, we all want to look and feel beautiful.  But I am learning that beauty is about so much more than how we look.  You see we are all princesses, beautiful to God and treasured by him.  He does not see our scars and blemishes but smiles as He reflects on the beauty of His daughters.  When we really grasp the truth of our identity in God, we look at ourselves and others in a different light.

As I have been reflecting on this, the story of Esther has come to my mind.  Queen Esther was beautiful, but that is not why we remember her story.  We remember her story because of her courage, her compassion, her love for her people.  She reflected true beauty.

I want to make a difference in the world.  I have two beautiful daughters, but I encourage them to focus on having beautiful hearts.  I am passionate about young women grasping their identity as princesses, daughters of the King of kings.  It is so important for us to encourage and compliment each other not only on our outside beauty but also on our inside beauty.

So once we truly know our identity as God’s treasured possession – let’s focus on chasing after true beauty – beauty that has courage to stand up for those who have no voice, beauty that has compassion for the poor, the forgotten, the orphans, beauty that sees the best in others and encourages and brings joy and light.

To finish, here is a little song ‘Beautiful For Me,’ which I came across a few years ago.  It sums up how God sees us and loves us. 

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