Today, we finish the Real Women blog one-year
experiment with our final installment.
We began with a question: What would emerge if a
different woman from Causeway Coast Vineyard told a real story of something God
was doing in each of their lives for an entire year?
A year later, 51 different women have told their
51 women who took a risk
51 women who said ‘yes’ when I asked if they would do it
51 women engaging in scary/exciting moments as they
sat down at the computer to write their story
51 women and their expressions of utter vulnerability
51 women and the authentic stories of the power of God
in their lives
51 women who gave gifts to us all
And those 51 stories didn’t just travel around the
North Coast. No, they went much, much,
According to the statistics for the Real Women blog on
Blogger, our little experiment has had almost 22,000 views from AROUND THE
WORLD. Over 16,000 views came from the UK and the rest came from countries
scattered across the globe. I guess that’s just the power of social media - but
wow! Who knew?
What was it about what we did that struck such a chord
in so many?
I’ve thought a lot about it because I’ve been the one
who sees many of the “shares” on social media, and I have had the
privilege of hearing from so many of the women who wrote about the impact their
little blog has had on not only other women’s lives… but also their own.
For some of the brave women that wrote, it was the
first time they had ever told that part of their story publicly. For some, it
was deeply risky and deeply vulnerable to share their story. But you know what?
The feedback from those women is that they LOVED doing it! And they received
waves and waves of encouragement from other women who said they “needed” to
read their story, who connected with their journey, their pain, their loss, their
celebration, their revelation of Jesus, their understanding of their Father’s
heart, their freedom, and their “real-ness.”
The more I’ve poured over all the comments from
readers and considered all the conversations with the writers. I am more
convinced than ever that the power of our testimony and our stories is a powerful
force in the Kingdom of God, even, might I say, a weapon of hope against the
darkness and a full blown proclamation of worship and praise.
You see, each of these stories, at their root, says
one thing. To sum it up it’s something like this: I am who I am because
Christ in me is the hope of glory.
Colossians 1:27To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
So what we’ve done is publish, across the world, 51
stories of the faithfulness of God in the lives of women on the North Coast of
Northern Ireland.
We’ve said Jesus IS the power of healing and
transformation in our lives. 2 Corinthians 3:18
We’ve said that when we were lost He found
us. Luke 15:32
We’ve said He gave us strength when we didn’t have
strength to carry on. Phillipians 4:13
We’ve said He is showing us who we were designed to
be. Psalm 139:14-15
We’ve said He bore our grief and carried us in times
of suffering. Isaiah 53
We’ve said He lifted us from the muck and mire and
placed our feet on solid rock. Psalm 40:2
We’ve said He stepped in when we didn’t see a way
out. Psalm 18
We’ve said He is in the big of our lives AND the small.
Matthew 6:30
We’ve said He wants to be close to us and have
intimate relationship with us as Father, friend and also Lord and Saviour.
John 10:30, John 1:14, Psalm 68:5, 1 John 4:14, John 15
We’ve said He rescues. Psalm 37:39
We’ve said He wants us to be at peace with who He
created us to be Ephesians 2:10
We’ve said we should dream big dreams with Him for our
community and our world Matthew 28:16-20
We’ve said we want Him to use whatever is in our hands
to serve the poor and reach out to those in any kind of need around us Exodus
4:2 , Psalm 82:3-4, Matt 25:35
We’ve seen Him break the chains of worrying about what
others think about us….so we can just be REAL. Hebrews 13:6, Proverbs
To be honest, there’s no way I could begin to list
EVERY attribute of the faithfulness of God and what you said He has done in
your lives in this closing blog.
BUT suffice to say…
We’ve done something powerful women… And I’m not sure
we even knew the power of what we were doing!?
For every woman that wrote AND for everyone who shared
these stories around on social media and email, we were engaged in something
immense, battling darkness and negativity and doubt and unbelief.
And all we were doing was turning on our light…
Just shining the light that was in us already.
You’ll have to forgive me but I can’t help but think
in pictures, and I’ve been thinking about Narnia when they lead the charge in
the battle in “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe,” shouting “For Narnia and
for Aslan!”
So as I've thought about we have done with this blog,
I can't help but see all of us with hope lifted like swords held high shouting
“For Jesus and His Kingdom!” :)
I have to admit, the timing of all of this is
interesting to me. A year on from when we started these stories of His power
and goodness in our lives, we are seeing almost 100 people a week come to Jesus
on the streets of our community and in our church environments like services,
groups, etc. This is unprecedented for us!
Could it be that the power of our testimony was playing
a small part all the while in getting the “soil” ready for this “harvest??”
Whatever the case, what we do know is this. The power
of our stories is changing lives. We MUST keep telling the stories of His
goodness in our lives. We MUST keep shouting as loudly and as widely as
we can, that HE IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. (John 14:6)
We just can’t stop the blog. ;)
It may not be posted every week but it will keep going
for sure, probably monthly. And we will keep telling the stories of
women in our First Thursday events once a month and we will keep encouraging
ALL of us to tell the stories of Jesus and what He has done in our lives.
Now here’s a real confession from me: I didn’t
expect this blog to be as special as it has been. I didn’t realise its
power. I think I’m beginning to understand the power of our stories more
and more, the power of what happens when we just get the word out about how
wonderful He is and what He can do not only in our lives, but in the lives of
everyone in our world. I feel like we did a little experiment and He decided to
show off what can happen when we just do what’s in our hands and available to
do. He makes it wonderful!!!
Apparently it doesn’t matter HOW we tell our
testimony, it’s just important that we do it. We know that there is a promise
of OVERCOMING that we know comes from “the word of our testimony.”
Revelation 12:11And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.
So these stories have been much more than “feel good”
social media moments. They are for overcoming, for speaking up, and for honouring
the Father, friend and Saviour of our lives.
In the first Real Women blog post I was encouraging
us all to “just get down to the business of figuring out our own 'amazing' that
God gave us and start living our lives in light of that.” And that “I
really do want us all to be the women we were designed to be: women on the road
that 'leads to awesome.'"
This past year of the Real Women blog, we have
shouted loud and clear that we are on the road that “leads to awesome,” and
that HE is the reason we on on that road!
So, to sum up:
As a die hard Women Superfan I couldn’t be more
delighted with all the “awesome” that has happened in the past year on this
blog. And that was only 51 stories. There are THOUSANDS of you out
there with stories that are waiting to be told.
So, yes we will continue the blog!
But more importantly than blogging your story, just be
sure you are telling your STORY! Shout your story of the faithfulness of
God from the rooftops. There is no telling what we will unleash,
overcome, transform and set into being by the power of our testimony.
Just keep up the bold, courageous, “dangerous” lives you are already living.
This is us:
A real movement of real women who believe there is a real reason to live and a real source of love: a real Saviour with real power to change and heal lives and communities and yes, the world.
Thank you for making this year of the Real Women
blog great.
So on this glorious Easter day, let's look to our Saviour and celebrate everything He has done.
Here’s to the adventures ahead…
I raise my hope like a sword held high with you all!